No-fly zones prevent a country from using warplanes to attack military targets or civilians on the ground, but simply declaring airspace off-limits is not enough.
With the help and support of our brand partners and connections – we were able to pull together 100 Care Packages that we’ll be sending to Ukraine to help support during this difficult time. And we also decided to share this important page with support links that will help guide so many on what to do next whether you are still residing in Ukraine, trying to escape or currently trying to start a new life in a new country. We hope you find all of this to be supportive and helpful and if there are any other resources or links that you feel we should be putting on the page, please feel free to reach out to us at chicsophistic@gmail.com.
With the help and support of our brand partners and connections – we were able to pull together 100 Care Packages that we’ll be sending to Ukraine to help support during this difficult time. And we also decided to share this important page with support links that will help guide so many on what to do next whether you are still residing in Ukraine, trying to escape or currently trying to start a new life in a new country. We hope you find all of this to be supportive and helpful and if there are any other resources or links that you feel we should be putting on the page, please feel free to reach out to us at chicsophistic@gmail.com.
Help Fight Human Trafficking in Ukraine ??
Please SHARE THIS with others to prevent more refugees from running into the arms of human traffickers. If you are a Ukrainian refugee.
Please read this to ensure your safety.
Ukrainians set up a special channel on the Telegram app called “Search For The Missing”. This channel helps you find those who you have lost contact with, as a result of the Russian invasion on Ukraine that started February 24th, 2022.
Link: https://t.me/poshuk_znyklyh (@Poshuk_znyklyh)
ким ви втратили зв’язок, або тих, кого ви загубили у зв’язку із вторгненням російських військ в Україну, яке розпочалося 24 лютого 2022 року.
BlaBlaCar is a free car service.
Drivers can offer up a free trip by adding the word “Volunteer” to their name, for example, Andriy Boyko (Volunteer), and this will help riders find them faster.
*The driver can indicate the minimum price for the trip of indicate if he/she is willing to help for free or just simply provide transportation services in general.
Водії, які їдуть і в них є вільне місце чи ті, які готові допомогти іншим і вивезти їх, можуть розмістити на сайті свою поїздку, а люди, яким протрібно виїхати, можуть її забронювати.
Одразу хочемо озвучити, що враховуючи ситуацію, транспорту фізично мало, тому пропозиції на сайті будуть бронюватися дуже швидко.
Сервіс BlaBlaCar є безкоштовним. Він нас підтримує та допомагає, за що ми йому сильно вдячні!
Водії ж можуть запропонувати безкоштовну поїздку, додавши до свого імені слово “Волонтер”, наприклад, “Андрій Бойко (Волонтер), що допоможе людям швидше їх знайти.
*Водій може вказати мінімальну ціну за поїздку, якщо йому по дорозі чи він допомагає безкоштовно чи просто надавати транспортні послуги.
Ministry of the Interior and Administration
The official government website where you will find information on crossing the Polish border (in English, Ukrainian, Russian and Polish) and the list of all reception points.
The website for the Polish Office of Foreigners where you can find important updates and information on your rights as a foreigner/refugee in Poland.
Official, government-run website for people looking for shelter and support in Poland and volunteers who want to help them. The website is available in Ukrainian, English and Polish.
General Veterinary Inspectorate
Official information for people fleeing to Poland with their pets (the current procedure, necessary documents etc.) Do not worry if your pet does not meet all the EU requirements – it can be vaccinated in Poland. Visit the website for more details in Ukrainian, English and Polish.
The association of attorneys for the City of Warsaw offers free legal help for refugees. More information available on the website in Ukrainian and Polish.
Contact information for regional bar associations in Poland, where refugees can ask for free legal help (the website is available in Polish only).
Polish Investment & Trade Agency
The agency provides free assistance in relocating Ukrainian businesses to Poland – click the link for contact details and more information in Ukrainian and Polish.
Polish Migration Forum Foundation
The foundation has launched a free helpline in Ukrainian and Russian for people who are in need of psychological help.
The Warsaw Multicultural Center
Here you will find more information on your rights as well as education and medical care in Poland. Note that the center has launched a helpline and organises free open meetings for Ukrainian nationals (more information in Polish and Ukrainian).
Websites for non-governmental organizations that provide help to refugees/foreigners in Poland:
Fundacja Ocalenie (Ocalenie Foundation)
Ukraiński Dom w Warszawie (The Ukrainian House in Warsaw)
Fundacja Ukraina (Foundation Ukraine)
What is Ukraine Take Shelter?
UkraineTakeShelter.com is an independent platform connecting Ukrainian refugees with potential hosts and housing.
This website is a public bulletin. We encourage everyone with spare space to post a listing and to mark their listing as filled once they have successfully taken in refugees.
Who developed this website?
UkraineTakeShelter.com was developed by two Harvard students, Avi Schiffmann and Marco Burstein.
You can contact us for inquiries or press at: ukrainetakeshelter@gmail.com.
It’s important to keep families and loved ones together. We have programs that let Canadian citizens and permanent residents sponsor eligible family members to come to Canada.
We’ll review all applications to see if they should be prioritized. You can submit your application normally; you don’t need to use a special process.
To make it easier to find information⬇️
❗️write your message under a specific message
❗️If you publish an announcement – OBOV’YAZKOVO put a hashtag:
#need help – how do you need help
#can help – how can you help us
Щоб легше було шукати інформацію⬇️
❗️пишіть ваше повідомлення під конкретним повідомленням
❗️Коли публікуєте повідомлення – ОБОВ’ЯЗКОВО ставте хештег:
#потрібнадопомога – якщо вам потрібна допомога
#можудопомогти – якщо ви можете чимось можете допомогти