No fashion week and no zombie walk 🙁
I had a great halloween here on the city of Toronto and made a little video from our night above! I love how Toronto city really pulls out all the stops on this night for kids – it’s the best, and even with No zombie walk – we had lots of fun.
Well, Halloween turned out to be pretty interesting! I stepped out and found a small group of zombies Downtown who definitely took this seriously – which was awesome! Had a chance to ask a few them how long their fashion zombie”look” actually took and the answers were pretty impressive – some went from 30 minutes to 2 hours!
I decided to pull my own little ‘devilish’ look out…and in spirit of my new ‘Red’ look – I went with a Devilish Strawberry Shortcake look 😉 To achieve this look, I put up my hair in a relaxed bun, and used a black liner from cover girl to create an impactful fashionable look and then topped if off with a concealer for my lips…to create that ‘nude’ look.
Know that there are three basic types of liners.
Pencil eyeliner is easy to apply, but sometimes doesn’t spread as smoothly or thickly as gel or liquid liners.
Gel liners are matte and glide on easily. They sometimes come in a little pot with a brush.
Liquid liners are used for their precision, and usually come in tubes with a small brush, or “pen-style” with brush tips. They can take some time to dry after applying, though.