Holidays + Family + Food + Gifts = Amazing #UnicornLife!!
Holidays + Family
The Holidays are a joyous time of year! It doesn’t really seem to matter what your religion is or what your beliefs are – it’s just such a beautiful sight – all the lights around the city – music – decor – people from all walks of life and backgrounds…coming together at Christmas Markets and other Holiday events – simply to celebrate this thing we call ‘Life’! It serves as an opportunity for us all to slow down a little – to regroup and assess how the year went and to really start to understand who we truly value, where we see ourselves going in the future and who we want become in the New Year!
Our family ends up being those who truly support us – who will be there for us in the good times and the bad – those who will see us through the things that mean something to us…and that matter to us! This is the time to get together with those people – to surround yourself with those who love you exactly the way you are and who only wish you the best in life. The positive feelings that we get from those people – indescribable.
Food + Gifts
Next come the good parts – Food + Gifts! This year we cooked up some delicious Turkey – probably the biggest one yet – and some mashed potato, corn, mixed veggies, stuffing and of course gravy! We actually decided to make a ‘butter-free’ gravy and stuffing plate as well – so that we could try to ‘scale down’ the intensity of this meal – maybe not have it lead to us feeling as ‘stuffed’ as we normally feel 😉 Sometimes it is the little things in our diet – the small changes and adjustments that we make – that actually make all the difference – the devil is in the details.
So when it came to the gifts – well…we can definitely say that there was an overarching theme! After hosting the “Unicorn Ball” and expressing my love for Unicorns in general – it became clear to ‘Santa’ that Unicorns just needed to make their mark this gifting season! I shared my ‘gift opening’ journey with my followers through “Insta-stories” so that they could feel like they were part of that moment with me…and I got the most amazing feedback! I absolutely love looping my base into my life – it makes everything I do – so worth it!
Check out all the photos below to see what I actually got and how the evening rolled out <3!