International Friendship Day With Mickey & Minnie’s BFFs
In life – there is so much to be appreciative for – especially our besties! How awesome is it that we can celebrate this thing we call life – with friends and family that we can truly say are the bread and butter of our lives. BFFs are always there for you – in the good times and the bad – International Friendship Day gives us a chance to stop for a minute and really appreciate that. Really acknowledge their existence – the value that they have in our lives – and this actual moment – the present.
Childhood Memories
My first fun memories with my besties really start in the early years. I have such amazing childhood memories – and some are with friends from school and others are with our pets. Where pets are concerned – we had a couple of really cute birds and a cat – I had so much fun with our little pets – I think I probably had a few solid conversations with them too – and maybe even understood ‘animal language’ – at least that is what my mom says I used to tell her – who knows right? Nothing that I remember now – so let’s just roll with it (wink wink). In terms of ‘human’ friends – had a few of those too – I laugh just thinking back to some really funny moments – hilarious pranks we used to pull and jokes we used to make that I sometimes didn’t actually get – but also ‘pretended’ to get – you know what I’m talking about. The best thing about childhood memories – is that they can truly last a lifetime and that the ‘child’ in us – never really has to go away. We can always enjoy life to its fullest – and always keep that ‘child’ in us – alive!
Growing Up
I remember growing up – with every passing year – I used to try to soak in the fact that I would soon be an adult. Even if ‘soon’ was 10 years away – I genuinely took to heart what so many adults would say to me – when they saw me at family dinners and get togethers. I know you know what I’m talking about right about now – that statement that always comes out of their mouths – “You enjoy this now – being a child is amazing – growing up isn’t always what it is cracked up to be – so go play and just have fun!”. When you’re a kid – you laugh at that and you just keep wishing that you could be a ‘grown up’ and do ‘grown up things’ – stay up late at night – go out for dinners – put lipstick on – wear highheels – whatever ‘grown up’ means to you – but you soon realize that they were right all along. Being a kid is pretty awesome – responsibilities are limited and life looks like a little bit of homework and fun movies.
Dreams Really Do Come True
The best part about adulthood is the realization that I can now make my own rules and that I can decide who I really want to be and how I really want to live my life. That also includes choosing ‘who’ I want to surround me. There are a few close besties that really had an impact on me in life and that showed me through action and love – that they really would be there for me – the whole way through – and there truly is nothing better than that. That indescribable feeling – the joy you feel in knowing that no matter what – these people will always have your back. It’s a great feeling. People can tell you that you are too old to be acting this way or that way – but you don’t have to change what makes you happy. Happiness in life is quite amazing – and when you have those moments where you can genuinely say to yourself – ‘Wow – I am completely at peace and completely happy’ – then you know you’re doing something right. And those who want you to be happy – will be happy for you – and will always stick by your side.
Take a minute today (and everyday) to thank your besties and tell them how much you love and appreciate them!