A smile can really change things – it can tell someone how you are feeling – what you are thinking – and whether or not you are really enjoying that interaction. For the person who is on the other side – they are also looking at you and interpreting all of this – and while we can’t claim this as a fact – what we can say is that it has often – if not always been said – that those who smile and have that glow about them – tend to exude a certain confidence – and confidence is definitely sexy!.
- Smiling changes your mood and outlook
- Smiling helps to reduce stress
- Smiling actually has an impact on your brain – it can change the pattern in which your brain works
- And…Smiling is super contagious
Now many people will probably come back and say – well – “I would love to smile everyday but I don’t like how my teeth look” – or the one that is probably the “MOST” common one is – “I don’t like to smile because my teeth are yellow”. I know this is often something that plagues so many – but what people don’t always realize is that there are quick – easy – professional and even ‘fun’ solutions out there that can make almost an immediate change on that front!
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