Why Backpacks Always Work
Backpacks have been trending ever since I can remember – but not exactly always in the same way! Obviously when I was going to school they were a big thing – we all know why – we needed them to carry our textbooks and notebooks obviously – but ‘style’ was never really a concern – well for some it was – but my version of what was ‘in style’ then…has definitely changed a lot with what is in style now.
I absolutely love backpacks because they really allow me to carry around what I need! Don’t get my wrong, my purses are going no where, but I love to change it up and switch to nice chic backpacks from time to time, because it really allows me to manage things more effectively throughout the day. I can carry an extra pair of shoes, a few of my key makeup must-haves, my wallet, shades and keys – pretty much everything I need to keep me feeling at ease when I hit up my next meeting or have to rush off to a quick brunch with the girls!
“Effortless” Factor
I particularly love the structured bags that I am seeing – they really keep things looking clean and chic – and they give you a good idea of how much space you can actually work with when thinking about how you are going to fill it! The other thing I love about really any bag that is structured, is that even when you stuff it, it keeps it’s shape, and there for continues to make you look effortless! That makes me think back to all the times that I travelled with my hard-shelled Heys Luggage Bag – I seriously over-stuffed that thing – more than anyone ever should…and although it definitely was way to heavy for anyone’s liking lol – it definitely kept my chic effortless look going!
I am also loving what I’m seeing these days when it comes to the overall look and trendiness of these bags! They are getting cuter and cuter – and are super fashionable. I find a lot of professional adults are really taking the time to invest in chic backpacks – something that allows them to run around and manage their lives, but also keep a certain look going!
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