Celebrating Life – A Chic Chandon Experience at Formula 1
A Chic Chandon Experience
Many of you gorgeous people who follow me on social media already know that I teamed up with Chandon this summer…to cover all of the amazing activity surrounding Formula 1! This was my first year actually going and I really can say with certainty – that I am pretty hooked at this point! I definitely would love to make this a yearly thing – so let’s add that one to my list now too!
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Prepping for Travel
I get asked a lot of questions about Travel – and what I do to prep. This seems to be a pretty popular subject and I think I know why! It is always a challenge to plan out what you are going to wear – since the weather doesn’t always cooperate and because we often don’t know if something ‘else’…that we didn’t plan for…will come up! It is these ‘uncertainties’ that make us decide to bring 10 pairs of socks, 14 dresses and 6 pairs of heels – for those ‘just in case’ moments! This is when someone close to us – our partner – sister or brother – i.e. person travelling with us – looks over and asks “Are you sure you are going to need all of that?” – and in your mind – at this point – you have worked out all of the ‘just in cases’ and all of this ‘if this happens”…so much so…that you’re completely convinced you’re actually going to need those 4 suitcases (for this 3 day trip) that you have just spent the whole day packing for 😉
What I try to do – to manage things and make sure that I don’t get myself into that ‘groove’ is to really do my best to be realistic and to try to bring things that are ‘multi-purpose’ or that can really just be used to mix and match with – clothes that I can really play around with and adapt to any situation! I also really pay attention to the shoes that I bring – and absolutely want to make sure that they are comfortable and that I can pair them up with multiple outfits! That was one tip to get you started – I’ll definitely try to provide more of those in upcoming posts!
Toronto to Montreal
So now onto the fun stuff – the actual experience! First we got picked up at our office and were driven to the airport in style! It was definitely a fun ride and a comfortable one at that! Once we got to the airport – I definitely wanted to take a few minutes to just admire the view – I have always loved airports for all the movement + hustle & bustle that goes – just makes me feel so ‘Alive’! People with a purpose – going places – doing things! I have never really been one that feels good standing still – I feel like there is so much life to live and so many things to do and experience – I just love anything that can support that feeling!
Once we take off – I start seeing the city from above – just really admiring and appreciating Toronto for all that it is and for all of the opportunities that it has given me and the Chic Sophistic Team – just incredible. Just looking at the CN Tower – framed by the plane window – feels like a photo that I would love to put up in the office!
Then…within what felt like only a few minutes – we were looking down at Montreal – and just about to land. That feeling you get when you are descending and just about to arrive at your destination … is such an exciting one! I always start thinking about what it will feel like to arrive at the hotel – drop off my bags and head out for a little relaxing drink – a little bubbly to get things started – #ChandonLife!
Once we officially landed – we did actually head to the hotel right away … washed up a bit then headed downstairs to meet the 2 other influencers who were part of the #CHANDONSQUAD! We were then taken to a wonderful restaurant with the most incredible rooftop patio! The view was amazing and the food was just incredible. Some fun share-ables were ordered and we all had a chance to dig in … and have the time of our lives – what a fantastic introduction to what would end up being an amazing Chandon Formula 1 experience!
Once we were well fed and felt completely satisfied – we went back to the hotel to freshen up again … and get changed for the next fun experience – The #Chandon Pit Stop! This was pretty incredible – I just so admired how much time and effort went into making all of this feel so effortless – and absolutely loved how great it was that the streets were shut down … so that all of the #FormulaOne action was just steps away!
To check out the video and see what happened when I met Fernando Alonso and Stoffel Vandoorne …click here: Video. The atmosphere was amazing – the service – the best – and the Chandon was the cherry on top – exactly what I needed to take in the moment! #AmazingMemoriesMade
Surprise, Surprise! The McLaren Paddock
As this trip continued – we were told that there would be some more amazing moments built into this already fantastic experience – but little did we know that this really was only going to keep getting better and better! On day 2 – Chandon surprised us and told us that we were going to have an opportunity to get really get close to the action … and have a chance to literally step onto the track – see what was going on behind the scenes – and then to enjoy some more Chandon … plus take part in a lovely dining experience at the McLaren Paddock! To get there we were driven to the dock – then hopped on a cute little boat that brought us to the other side where we were able to enter the paddock – such a pleasant ride – the perfect way to travel to Formula 1! I heard great things about what happens behind the scenes at Formula 1 … and how things are actually pulled together in the end – but didn’t really get the full picture until I had a chance to be there in person – and see this for myself – and WOW! Just speechless – it was wonderful – and totally unforgettable.
Thank you Chandon!
Looking forward to more Unforgettable Moments together!